Monday, May 26, 2014

Family member a.k.a Designated friends

It's funny how some family members can be complete strangers. I can't stand family reunions for that exact reason. Your expected to hang out with people you haven't seen in years, and sometimes people you would never chose to hang out with other wise. Trying to figure out what to talk about when some guy comes walking over asking the million dollar question "You remember me, I remember when you used to be this (insert hand measurement here) small". Ugh NO, don't embarrass us both please.
But it's sad when someone you used to be so close with becomes that distant cousin. Me my cousin and my sister used to be inseparable when we were younger. She got on my nerves I must admit, but I loved her regardless and we had tons of fun together. But when we got old age separated us, and her and my sister who are the same age hung out more. I was stuck in the mommy role in their eyes and they've kept a lot of stuff from me, it was weird.
Today we had a heart to heart though by admitting similar problems we have in our lives, both going through annoying "breaks" with our boyfriends and tons of stuff just came gushing out, and it was like how it used to be. FINALLY! I'm so happy I missed her, and to think it was that easy to let your guard down.
But then it's always like that with family. Your family members are the only ones in life who have to love you no matter what, and most of the time they want to lol. Your going to be with them forever, their the ones who will stick around no matter what. It's important to know who your related to, but really know them. They have your back always, and a lot of good memories to be made with. So  spend that time getting to know them, their worth it ;)

Love ya'll,
Monique Tiara

Autimojazz <3

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